Weimar: Key Players (pre-Lighthouse)
Key Players in the Weimar Republik
Ernst Keller, Führer of the Weimar Republik
Born in RY 050 in the Reich Berlin Lebensborn Centre, Keller was a dedicated and promising student, becoming leader of his Lebensborn Platoon at a relatively young age. He was identified as Talented and sent for training at the SS-Schule Haus. After graduating with a Bachelors in Magic he went into active service, proving himself to be an excellent leader, who could inspire a great deal of loyalty and respect in his men. During his service he was given the opportunity to return to the Schule Haus to study for first his Masters and then his Doctorate. He is listed in the Reich records as being a combat and defensive specialist.
He rose to the rank of Obergruppenführer, and was expected to become a Knight of the SS, although that never, in the end, came to pass. He supposedly died in service during a mortar attack . Has been Führer of the Weimar Republik since its establishment.
Sofia Halbeck, Reichsführer-SS
Born in RY 077, Halbeck was an acknowledged daughter of the then-Head of the Waffen-SS, Joachim Peiper, and followed her father into that branch of the SS, where she served with distinction on several fronts. She was present when her father died in battle in RY 103, and was responsible for bringing his body home to the Reich. She is known to be Talented.
After Peiper’s death she transferred to the SD, and after Andreas Delatz arrived on the scene, she was appointed to his personal staff. She accompanied him to Manira, where she was reported killed in battle.
Helmut Eckart, Arcane Consultant
According to the Reich records, Eckart is the Lebensborn son of Ernst Keller, and was born at the Bremen centre in RY 093. He was known by his father, and invited to Weimar after after its Creation. From the fact that he has usually been one of the Weimar agents sent the first Reichsprotektor of any newly-conquered world, it would appear that he is one of the more advanced initiates of the Muster. As far as the Sable SIS has determined, he has taken the place of Dirk Weber among the ruling three.
Party Chairman, Dr Hans von Karlstein
The government is run under the auspices of the Nationalsozialistische Weimar Arbeiterpartei, under the Party Chairman, Dr Hans von Karlstein, a career lawyer and politician, who seems to be a Weimar native – there are no records of anyone of his name and profession within the Reich, as far as Sable has been able to ascertain.
Military Commanders
Waffen-SS Oberstgruppenführer Lena Steiner
Head of the Weimar Waffen-SS. Born in the Reich, she was part of Andreas’s attack on Manira and they formed a good working relationship. She stayed within the Reich until about RY 135, when Andreas made her an offer she chose not to refuse.
Oberstgruppenführer-SD Fabian Auer
Head of the Weimar SD. Brought up within the Reich Lebensborn system. A loyal follower of Andreas, he disappeard from the Reich records around RY 125, and it is believed that he may have become Andreas’ agent in his guise as Master of the Machine. That would certrainly tie up with him being appointed as Head of the Weimar-SD around RY 135, when Andreas largely stepped away from his project. He is known to be a mage, and it is possible that he’s actually a Technomage.
Johannes Hirsch, Gruppenführer Commanding the Weimar Forstapo
Hirsch bears a resemblance to Johan Hartwin, who was head of the Reichs-Forstapo from RY 093-118, and finally died in RY 153, and it is possible that Johannes he may be his son, although there are no birth records for him within the Reich.
Doktor Alfred Weber, Forstapo Genetics Consultant
Weber was born in RY076 at the Bremen Lebensborn Centre. Rather than undertake State Service, he chose to join the Reichs-SS straight out of school, working first as an intern in the SS Legal Deparment, and later with first the Orpo and then the Kripo. After about ten years, he was allowed to study SS and Reich law at the SS-Schule House, where he graduated top of his class. He remained with the SS for another ten to twelve years, but then disappeared out of the Reich records in around RY0125. It is believed that he might be both Talented and a shapeshifter, but neither has been confirmed.