An Introduction to the Sable Armed Forces

The Sable Military is a volunteer force of very highly-trained individuals, operating cross-Shadow in the war against the Reich. The minimum age for signing up as a squaddie is 16, while for officers it is 18.

Within Sable City itself and in the Commonwealth, most of its functions are defensive. Once outside the ‘safe’ Commonwealth area, however, the Sable Armed Forces are on active service. The overall Sable military was originally set up by Field Marshal William O’Connor. He also established the Sable Military Academy at Sandhurst, the Riversend Naval Academy and the Sable College of Military Magic, all of which have been going from strength to strength. Since the forces have become established, O’Connor has taken more of a backseat role, and he now considers himself to be in well-earned semi-retirement. He is still the best military commander in Sable, however, remains on the Sable Staff Council, and will answer the call when needed.

Operational command of the Sable forces is now under the command of Field Marshal Prince William, who was given the title of Lord Protector and the rank of Commander in Chief, some years ago.

The Sable Forces are split into three operational divisions – Home Defence, Commonwealth and External – all under the overall control of the Sable Staff Council.

The Sable Staff Council

The Sable Staff Council is chaired by Lord Protector Prince William, and comprises Lord William O’Connor, Field Marshal Crown Prince Francis, Field Marshal Prince James, Field Marshal Celia Wallis, General Lord John Graham, General Alexandra Beaumont of the Royal Commonwealth Army, Generals Duke Marne, FitzWilliam and FitzCalen, plus General Duchess Shaw from the Commonwealth Defence Pact Shadows, First Sea Lord/Admiral of the Fleet Nicholas Bonner, Admiral Richard Greer of the Royal Commonwealth Navy, Air Chief Marshal Prince Christopher and Field Marshal Jonathan FitzWilliam (Commander in Chief of the Murray forces). Those members of the Royal Family who sit on the council have proven themselves over many years of fighting with the Reich, rather than being honorary appointees to the Staff Council.

Other officers who occasionally report to the Staff Council, or are consulted on specific issues, include Adam de Lacy (Sable’s Master at Arms), Colonels Lovell and Patterson (Chancellors of the Military Academy and SCMM), Rear-Admiral Baxter (for the Naval Academy), Prime Technocrat Andrew de Lacy (as a consultant to the Sable High-Tech forces), plus the operational commanders of the three Military Regions and the Commonwealth, and other field commanders from specific theatres of war.

Military Training


Basic Combat Training

All new recruits to the non-commissioned ranks must undertake the Common Military Syllabus at the Sable Army Training Centre near Southend, in the southern hills of the Kingdom. The course lasts for sixteen weeks and covers skill at arms, health and fitness, military discipline and knowlege, fieldcraft and swimming, and casualty drills.

Further courses can be undertaken in both specialist roles and for promotion to NCO.

The Royal Military Academy (“Sandhurst”)

The Sable Military Academy (which for some reason lost in antiquity, has always been known as ‘Sandhurst’) was set up shortly after Field Marshal O’Connor’s arrival in Sable, although it took two decades to become established.

All potential army officers, whether they ultimately intend to serve in the Home or External forces, aand whether they join young, or after experience elsewhere attend Sandhurst, which is located in the town of Keswick, on the River Derwent.

There are three commissioning courses run at the academy:

      • The Regular Commissioning Course, which lasts for a year, for Direct Entry officers into the Regular service. Graduates are commissioned as Second Lieutenants.
      • The Late Entry Officer Course (LEOC) for senior soldiers commissioning from the ranks, and last twenty-six weeks. Graduates are commissioned as Second Lieutenants.
      • The Short Commissioning Course, which is for Army Reserve officers, and both regular and reserve service professionally qualified officers (e.g., doctors, dentists, nurses, lawyers, pharmacists, veterinary surgeons and chaplains), which lasts twelve weeks. Graduates are commissioned as First Lieutenants.In addition, Sandhurst is the location of the Sable College of Military Magic.
General Sir Ryan Lovell (Retired), KG, Principal of Sable Military Academy

Lovell is its second principal, having been General of the Army before the current incumbent. He took over about forty years ago, and while not hugely impressed by his move from active service, he knuckled down to his new task with dedication, and has overseen the continued improvement of the facility.

Lovell is a native of Bazan, another of the Commonwealth Shadows. He looks to be in his early-forties, with thinning red hair and blue eyes.


Ratings training

All new recruits to the non-commissioned ranks must undertake basic ratings training at the HMS Dolphin, located in Riversend. The first ten weeks are spend on shore, learning the basics discipline, teamwork, organisational, firefighting and weapon handling skills. This is followed by specialist apprenticeships in the recruit’s chosen area of service various disciplines of the Navy, which can last up to six months.

Further courses can be undertaken in both more advanced specialist roles and for promotion to NCO.

The Royal Naval Academy, Riversend (“Greenwich”)

Riversend Naval Academy (colloquially known as “Greenwich”) is the primary training institution for officers of the Sable Royal Navy. It was set up a little later than the Military Academy, as the navy became more important and the Sable Staff Council realised that its officers deserved a professional training establishment equal in stature to the Military Academy.

All potential naval officers, whether they ultimately intend to serve in the Home or External forces, aand whether they join young, or after experience elsewhere attend Greenwich College, also located in Riversend. Greenwich also hosts the Sable Royal Marine training base.

Officer training comprises two parts:

      • Phase One: Initial Naval Training (Officer) is a thirty-two-week course that provides comprehensive induction into Naval life as an Officer. It invloves training and testing throughout the key stages of the course, during which time you will get to experience the varying roles and responsibilities of an Officer in the Royal Navy. It is split into two sections:
        • Basic skills and training, undertaken on land – sixteen weeks.
        • Applying the skills and training learned in the first section to a maritime environment, as well as marine operations, boat handling, etc – sixteen weeks
      • Phase Two: This is specific to the your chosen specialisation of the candidate, and its length is dependent on the branch and role chosen.
Rear-Admiral Sir Jeremy Baxter (Retired), KG, Principal of Riversend Naval Academy

Baxter is a native of Cadel, who served with distinction for many years before retiring from active service. He is a thin man, clean shaven with thinning brown hair and blue eyes.

Air Force / High-Tech Forces

Air force training is conducted outside the Kingdom of Sable itself, with facilities in the three Militay Regions of Lothian, Uaithen and Ceredigion. Like the other services, this is split into non-commissioned and officer tracks. High-Tech training is undertaken in conjunction with Technocracy forces, also out in Shadow.

Sable College of Military Magic

SCMM is attached to the Sable Military Academy. As with Sable Mage College, it is aimed at the Talented, although the range of magic taught is more narrow than in the civilian college, as a course at SCMM and also involves standard officer training. SCMM graduates are registered with the Sable Magical Oversight Council and are bound by their rules.

      • Following the basic syllabus, after three years (instead of the five at SMC), a student will have a basic level knowledge of combat/battle magic, defensive magic, healing, mech-tech, illusion (but not entertainment), structural, transport and commes magic and the rank of lieutenant (although there are exceptions to this). Students will graduate with the rank of Mage-Lieutenant Second Class, and a military mage signet (the fleur-de-lys of a normal mage, with crossed swords beneath), and go out into the field.
      • With respect to entertainment, investigative/forensics, natural magic and conjuration, the student will only have a rudimentary knowledge of these disciplines. If they wish to learn these further, they will be put onto detached duty and sent to study at the main SMC for a further one-to-two years, although these years do not count towards their military seniority.
Partial and full specialisations

After a military mage has been out in the field on active duty for at least a year, they may be invited back to the SCMM to take a partial specialisation. Through this programme, they can improve their basic grounding in one or more of the magical disciplines taught at SCMM to “partial” level: each individual discipline takes about six months of intensive study, and remains biased towards military applications. Graduates of this programme are promoted to Mage-Lieutenant First Class, if they had not already reached that rank.

With agreement with the military authorities, if a particularly gifted student shows exceptional acumen for one or more particular magical discipline, or perhaps combining different disciplines in a novel way, they can work towards “full” level: each individual discipline takes about a year of intensive study, and remains biased towards military applications.

Master of Military Magic

Once a graduate has taken at least two “partial” specialisations or one “full” specialisations, they are entitled to call themselves a Master of Military Magic (cost 20pt, but achieved more quickly), and are promoted to Mage-Capatin, if they had not already reached that rank.

If they then wish to become a full Master of Magic (MMg), they will need to spend time at Sable Mage School learning those disciplines that they were not taught at the SCMM.

Doctor of Military Magic

Once a graduate has taken at a minimum of both two “partial” specialisations and one “full” specialisations, they are entitled to call themselves a Doctor of Military Magic (cost 25pt, but achieved more quickly), and are promoted to Mage-Major, if they had not already reached that rank.

If they then wish to become a full Doctor of Magic (MMg), they will need to spend time at Sable Mage School learning those disciplines that they were not taught at the SCMM.

Brigadier-General Sir Richard Patterson, GCM, Principal of Sable College of Military Magic

Patterson is a native of the security-pact Shadow of Cadel. He looks to be in late-forties, with a shock of dark brown hair and hazel eyes, and became principal of SCMM about fifteen years ago, after a distinguished career in the Royal Engineers.

The Sable Military Institute for Techno-Magical Research

The Institute is a relatively new organisation, having only been set up as an independent entity in the last decade. Prior to that, its functions were covered under the SCMM, but the analysis of new weaponry has gained in importance as the war has continued, and the Reich has made various technological advancements in the waging of war. It was given independence and its own charter by the Lord Protector in February SY155. It’s main purpose is to study weaponry captured in the field and then reverse engineer it or discover means of combating it another way, as well as developing new weapons for Sable’s own forces to use. It also works closely with the Technocracy. It’s main campus is on Lothian, with other facilities in Uaithen, Ceredigion and Abbeville (out in the Weimar sector).

Brigadier General Elizabeth Edgar, Director of the Sable Military Institute for Techno-Magical Research

Edgar is Sable native who originally studied at Sable Mage College. However, after her brother was killed in the war, she joined the Army Mage Corps, and rose rapidly through the ranks. Her magical specialities are investigative and mech-tech, the ideal combination for the work the Institute has to undertake. She appears to be in her early-forties, with light brown, short hair, and hazel eyes. She is one of the foremost experts at reverse engineering in Sable.


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