Headlines from the main Sable and Reich newspapers between 11 April SY099 and 31 December SY149. Later stories are at the top. For other years, click below.

Headlines for SY099-149

Information on this page is largely OOC, except with agreement with the GM.

Date Key Timeline Events
3 August 149 Princess Elanor of Murray and Sable marries Georg Wilhelm Adelmar von Raeder, Graf von Klieburg and Priest of Protection. They will be spending the first few months of married life in the Empire of Eboracum
Mid-149 Despite efforts by Jensen and Garrowby, the Sable Government announces that Anghelt will be admitted to the Commonwealth with effect from 1 January SY150
21 June 136 Serious Shadow Storms threaten the integrity of the Gateway world of Murray. King Robert and Regent Emily work together to limit the damage, although the world is somewhat different afterward
1 January 129 The Sable-Reich Peace Treaty comes into force
25 December 128 King Robert of Sable, Prime Minister Virginia Morrison, Kaiser Wilhelm  and RFSS sign the official Sable-Reich Peace Treaty
17 June 125 King Robert of Sable and Kaiser Wilhelm sign an Armistice between their two realms, and stating their intention to bring about a full Peace Treaty in due course.
125-onwards Doctor Dirk Weber begins to change the focus of the Ahnenerbe, prioritising medicine, genetics, eugenics, the Lebensborn System, and Race and Settlment, and moving its focus away from the more vague area of “Ancient Mysteries”.
30 November 124 On the first anniversary of the Rostock Massacre, the Reich renews its approach to Sable with respect to a formal ceasefire.
26 January 124 Elanor and Edmund born to Regent Emily of Murray and her husband, Dr. Daniel Everard
21 December 123 Forstapo Head Dominik Gerlinde marries Silke von Halle at the Wewelsburg
5 December 123 In light of the events at Rostock , the Reich makes the first approaches to Sable with respect to a formal ceasefire between the two nations.
Initially, Sable dismisses this as an attempt by the Reich to avoid having to fight a war on two fronts, and the approach fails to gain traction.
1 December 123 Kaiser Wilhelm and the Reich declare war on Andrew de Lacy and the Technocracy
30 November 123 The Reich Energy Research Institute at the Port of Rostock is destroyed by Andrew de Lacy and the Technocracy, with the loss of over a million lives
Thereafter, this event is known as the Rostock Disaster or the Rostock Massacre, depending on who is describing it.
122 The Weimar Republik established in Veil 22 by Ernst Keller, Sofia Halbeck, Helmut Eckart and Alfred Weber, assisted by Raymond Syke and Carlos de Real.
12 January 121 Doktor Dirk Weber becomes the first male commander of the Ahnenerbe Forschungs und Lehrgemeinschaft, and is promoted to Obergruppenführer.
7 February 120 Rallissa, Aurellian Goddess of the Years, takes it upon herself to correct a percieved misjustice suffered by Andrew, with respect to founding the Technocracy. These actions have unforseen consequences with respect to Manira/New Oceania.
Mid-June 118 Dominik Gerlinde becomes commander of the Forstapo and is promoted to Gruppenführer
The Reich Guild of Pilots established formally as a semi-independent entity, albeit with funding organised by SS Amt 2
21 March 118 Elementis Created in the centre of the Inside by the Four Sisters.
14 September 117 Berthold Stefan Robrecht Delatz born to Rupert and Silvie
27 May 112 Francesco Ragoczy, Comte de Saint-Germain, becomes Master of Sable Mage College
17 September 110 Following the Sable General Election, Simon Ellis, DMg, agrees to become Minister of Magical Affairs
1 January 108 The recommendations of the Berthelmes Commission are enshrined in Reich Law, by way of amendments to the Shapeshifter Laws
1 March 107 The Reich is connected to the Aurellis Transport System. Administraton of the system and the Pilots within it is placed under the command of Standartenführer Dominik Gerlinde of the Forstapo.
1 November 106 Prince James recalled from Murray
Princess Emily, daughter of Robert and Claire, appointed Regent of Murray
13 October 106 Crown Prince Dominic abdicates his titles and positions, and leaves Sable for his wife’s homeland of Thelbane, on the Outside. Francis, eldest son of Andrew in good standing, becomes Crown Prince of Sable.
19 May 106 The Berthelmes Commission makes its recommendations on the variance of the Shapeshifter Laws
21 December 105 The gateway worlds of Murray, Sanguine and Casablanca are founded and connected to the Inside.
Sable is connected to the Aurellis Transport System, and the Sable Guild of Pilots is established as an independent entity.
James de Lacy appointed Regent of Murray
10 September 105 King Robert, Prime Minister Alexander Havers, Kaiser Wilhelm, and RFSS Delatz sign the Outer Ring Treaty, which confirms the new borders of Sable and Reich territory in Veils Five and Six of Shadow and guarantees Sable possession of Khachuran, Teruel and Annency.
Early-July 105 Rupert Delatz becomes Aurellian God of Protection.
Late-June 105 Robert and Rupert finally start talking again.
14-15 June 105 The Brotherhood of the Martyr relocates the Maniran Broken Pattern to Veil 50, to found New Oceania.
2 January 104 Duke Michael de Lacy walks the Sable Pattern, and is thereafter accorded the rank of Prince.
10 July 103 Sigmund Conrad Wilhelm Delatz born to Rupert and Silvie.
February 103 Diego de Real locates an interesting location for the possible establishment of New Oceania.
1 May 102 Rupert Delatz marries Silvie Heusser at the Wewelsburg.
100-105 Significant Reich expansion in Veils Five and Six.
27 October 100 Kaiser Wilhelm appoints Advocate Conrad Berthelmes to lead a Commission into a possible variance of the Shapeshifter Laws. The move is resisted for some years by the RFSS and the Forstapo
1 February 100 Robert and Roland work together to relocate the Aurellian Logrus from its original location to Create the Inside.
1st May 099 Robert visits Roland Helgram in what will become the Outside, and they get talking about the problems and potential changes, as Roland is linked to Rallissa, his Goddess of the Years, and so remembers what was before. Michael becomes Aurellian God of Communications (and Trumps, and Protector of Lesser Siblings of Immensely Powerful Godlike Beings).
Robert becomes Aurellian God of Enquiry (aka Investigation and Teaching).
15th April 099 Contact is re-established between Sable and Andrew de Lacy, who has been missing since SY069.
12th April 099 A serious breakdown in communications occurs between Robert and Rupert, such that they cease to meet once a month for some years.
12th April 099 A Reich force commanded by Rupert Delatz and Joachim Peiper invades and takes control of Verrien.
11th April 099 Robert and Rupert learn of future problems with Manira and New Oceania, as well as the Creation of the Technocracy and the Machine.
11th April 099 Information is received by certain powerful parties within Sable and the Reich, regarding the Broken Pattern world of Verrien. A problem with the Broken Pattern is fixed by William de Lacy and Francesco Ragoczy, but in the process Philip le Bel is killed, and William and Francesco are seriously injured.