Sable: Royal Children
Children of King Robert
Prince Andrew, KG
Andrew is the eldest son of King Robert, from His Majesty’s first marriage, long before the establishment of Sable. His eldest son, Dominic, is of an age with King Robert and Queen Claire’s twins, Alison and Cathal. Andrew is known to be Talented, and in the early years of Sable, he occasionally taught combat and siege magic at the SCMM. However, his original career was as a lawyer, and he served as Sable’s Attorney General, as well as Crown Prince, in the early years of the Kingdom.
Some years after the establishment of Kingdom, Andrew brought his wife, the beautiful Queen Regan, home to Sable. Within a year of her arrival, she was delivered of a son, Chartris. Over the years that followed, Andrew and Regan had another nine children: female triplets, another son, male triplets and finally twins (a boy and a girl). During this time, Regan was a welcome guest within Sable Palace, and was seen around the City and out in the Commonwealth, but her origins remained shrouded in mystery. The mystery only got deeper when, a very few years after the birth of their youngest children, both Andrew and his wife disappeared, leaving the children behind.
It is said that some time later, Andrew returned alone, but the events surrounding this are not in the public domain. All that is certain is that at some point, he legitimised his eldest son Dominic and named him his heir, then abdicated all positions and responsibilities and left Sable. It has been noted that his departure coincided with Chartris being declared an outlaw in the realm of Sable, and it has been suggested that this was related to his parents’ disappearance. Since then, Andrew only been seen in Sable very rarely, mainly for family occasions, and he has never rejoined the Sable establishment.
It has been noted that he looks considerably older than he did in the past, especially relative to the King. It has also been remarked on that while he usually interacts with his children and his brother William, his attitude towards his father is noticeably frosty, bordering on actively hostile.
Lord Protector, Prince William, KG
William is acknowledged as the King’s son, although his mother is not known to the people of Sable. Having originally been an occasional visitor, he is now based primarily in Sable, although his many responsibilities do take him away from time to time. He is a brilliant tactician, and the best front-line military commander currently active in the Sable forces, as well as being recognised as Talented. He doesn’t have the artistic streak of many of his family, either musically or in other areas, but he is a keen reader and student of military history, as well as a decent sportsman when he has the time.
William is one of the taller members of the de Lacy clan, standing about 6’2″. He is quite heavily built, with much darker colouring than the majority of his family. He became Commander-in-Chief of the Sable Forces on the retirement of Field Marshal William O’Connor, and was invested as a KG shortly afterwards. He has since been awarded the honorary title of Lord Protector by his father.
He is known as an honourable man on both sides of the war.
Princess Sarah
Unlike the rest of the Royals, who appear to age slowly, if at all, in the late 140s and early 150s, Princess Sarah aged dramatically, which was a cause of great sadness to the family. She passed away after a long illness in December SY153 and is survived by her husband and their children, James and Evelyn.
Children of the King and Queen

Alison and Cathal
Robert and Claire’s twins and eldest children, with Alison being the older by a few minutes. Although they grew up in sable, neither Alison nor Cathal are frequent visitors to Sable nowadays, as they have their responsibilities elsewhere.
Princess Emily
Born in SY030, until the somewhat unexpected arrival of Prince Cameron, Emily was the youngest of Robert and Claire’s children. She was appointed Regent of Murray in November SY106 after her nephew, James, was recalled to Sable from that position. More details about Emily and her family can be found here.
Prince Cameron
Cameron Joseph de Lacy was born on 20 September SY133, and is the youngest child of the King and Queen. To no-one’s particular surprise, he has been confirmed as Talented. He went up to SMC in September SY151.
In January SY153, he was kidnapped by anti-Sable extremists in January and held to ransom for a prisoner exchange for Siegfried Hagen, who at that time was a Sable prisoner due to his involvement with the same group. He was rescued, but seriously injured in the process, and his kidnapper escaped. In July the following year, he was taken again by the same individual, one Andreas Pedersen, who wanted to use him to restore Valhalla in the Sable mountains. Once again he was rescued, and this time Pedersen was killed.
After he had recovered from the second experience, he took a leave of absence from SMC, and spent most of the following year training with Prince Adam, the Sable Master at Arms. He finally returned to college in September SY155, and graduated with his Bachelors of Magic in July SY157. Following graduation, he went to Sandhurst as a military officer cadet, and after passing out, he applied to the Sable Guard. His application was accepted, since when he has been training as a spotter, and has gained a promotion to full lieutenant. He is usually accompanied by a small dragonet named Socrates.
Cameron is a keen sportsman, and has represented both his school and SMC at both rugby and cricket.
Other Children of King Robert
Prince John
John de Lyon is Robert’s son from prior to the founding of Sable. It is unclear whether he or William is the elder. He stands about 6’1″ tall, is of medium build, and is good looking, in a sun bronzed, Californian sort of way. He speaks with something of an accent. He also has close ties to Auguste de Lyon, Head of the Palace Guard, having been nominated as Auguste’s heir at some time before their arrival in Sable – hence his use of the Colonel’s surname.
John is a policeman through and through, and is the Sable Commissioner of Police. Nominally, he is based in Sable City, although over the last few years he has spent a fair amount of time travelling the Commonwealth and other allied Shadows, acting as an advisor to their local police forces. That said, he does take personal charge of high-profile cases within Sable itself.
Princess Cathy
His wife Cathy has long dark hair, and a beautiful face with deep, brown eyes, and she shares her husband’s Californian tan. She has no official role within Sable, but is known to be a skilled artist and actress, and has performed both in the theatre and on crystal. John and Cathy are rumoured to have two sons.
Jennifer Talbot
Jennifer is Robert’s eldest daughter, although the relationship is very much understated. They are fond of each other, or so it appears, but Jennifer does not live in Sable Palace and has never shown any desire to, preferring to make her own way in life, downplaying her links to the Royals so that she can be taken on her own merits.
She is a lecturer at SMC, where she specialises in structural magics. She also has an architectural practice in the town, and has been responsible for the design of some of the most prominent buildings in Sable, including extensions to the University, and the Royal Sable Museum Annex. She has published books and papers on both architecture and structural magic, and is often invited as an after-dinner speaker at functions around Sable City and in the larger cities of the Kingdom.